Legal Notes
Organizational and technical conditions for making available and using the services provided by the Entrepreneur Information Point (
- Introduction
- The Entrepreneur Information Point, hereinafter referred to as Point, is operated by the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology with the registered office at Plac Trzech Krzyży 3/5, 00-507 Warszawa.
- The Point operates at addresses in the domain.
- The Point carries out the tasks of a single point of contact on the basis of:
- Directive 2006/123/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 December 2006 on services in the internal market (OJ L 376, 27.12.2006, p. 36) (the so-called services directive);
- the Act of 6 March 2018 on the Central Registration and Information on Business and the Entrepreneur Information Point (Polish Journal of Laws Dz.U., item 647).
- The Point provides information on, among other things:
- the formalities and procedures for starting, engaging in and closing a business in Poland;
- general rules for the provision of services in member states;
- contact details and competencies of selected public institutions and offices;
- ways and conditions of access to public registers and public databases on business and entrepreneurs;
- legal remedies in the event of a dispute between a competent authority and an entrepreneur or a consumer, between an entrepreneur and a consumer, and between entrepreneurs;
- clarifications prepared by the authorities and the Point on the regulations for starting, engaging in and closing a business;
- contact details of associations and organizations that can provide practical assistance to entrepreneurs or consumers;
- rights and obligations of employees and employers;
- list of regulated professions in the Republic of Poland;
- contact details of the authorities handling matters regarding the recognition of professional qualifications, provision of cross-border services and issuance of the European Professional Card for individual regulated professions and contact details of the Polish support centre for recognition of professional qualifications;
- the list of professions for which the European Professional Card is issued, as well as information on the rules for applying for its issuance, including the fees charged in connection with its issuance;
- the list of regulated professions and regulated activities related to public health or safety, as referred to in the regulations issued pursuant to Article 34(8) of the Act of 22 December 2015 on the rules governing the recognition of professional qualifications acquired in EU member states (Dz.U. of 2016, item 65, and of 2018, item 650);
- list of types of regulated education and training and courses with a special syllabus;
- proceedings on the recognition of professional qualifications, including the fees due and the required documents;
- rules for providing cross-border services;
- the requirement of knowledge of the Polish language necessary to practise a regulated profession or activity;
- appeal against the decisions made in the cases described above.
- The Point provides the following services:
- ensuring that procedures and formalities related to the following matters are met:
- starting, engaging in and closing a business in the territory of the Republic of Poland;
- recognition of professional qualifications acquired in EU member states, with the exception of completing an adaptation period and taking an aptitude test;
- the provision of cross-border services within the meaning of the provision of Article 5(10) of the Act of 22 December 2015 on the rules governing the recognition of professional qualifications acquired in EU member states and the performance of cross-border service activities within the meaning of the provisions of the Act of 6 March 2018 on the rules for the participation of foreign entrepreneurs and other foreign persons in economic transactions in the territory of the Republic of Poland;
- issuing a European Professional Card referred to in the provisions of chapter 6 of the Act of 22 December 2015 on the rules governing the recognition of professional qualifications acquired in EU member states.
- the Entrepreneur Assistance Centre;
- sending an application electronically and obtaining a certificate of no arrears:
- in the payment of social security contributions, health insurance contributions, the Labour Fund and Guaranteed Employee Benefits Fund;
- in the implementation of tax obligations incumbent on the entrepreneur.
- ensuring that procedures and formalities related to the following matters are met:
- The Point is primarily intended for those who engage in or are planning to start or close a business, and thus for current and future entrepreneurs.
- The Point offers assistance through the information and service website for the entrepreneur, i.e. the Entrepreneur Assistance Centre.
- The Point operates in close cooperation with the public administration authorities providing services in accordance with their jurisdiction; their duty is to ensure the completeness, timeliness, compliance with applicable laws, as well as comprehensibility and transparency of the information made available via the Point.
- General information
- The Point may be used free of charge.
- The administrator of the website makes every effort to ensure that the information contained in the website is complete, reliable, comprehensible and up-to-date.
- Legal acts published within the Point do not constitute sources of law.
- The content posted in the Point is for informational purposes only, and does not constitute an interpretation of the applicable regulations.
- The content published in the Point:
- is general and not indicative of individual, specific situations, persons or entities;
- may refer to external portals, services and databases operated by other bodies and institutions;
- does not constitute legal advice.
- The Point does not advise on individual cases.
- The information published in the Point, as well as the applications and features enabling the performance of the services have been developed by the Minister competent for Economy or by competent authorities at their request or with their cooperation.
- Information published in the Point in foreign languages may be translated in part with the use of automatic translation of web content, with the proviso that this feature does not ensure the full correctness of the translated text.
- Information for Users
- Registration
- The Point may be used by anonymous and registered Users.
- Anonymous Users may use the information published in the Point but have a limited right to access electronic services provided in the Point, as they require the Users’ identity to be confirmed.
- A User can register only once.
- When registering, the User is obliged to provide truthful information.
- The User may delete their account at any time. Deletion of the account from the system is equivalent to deregistration of the User from the Point.
- Registration of a User who is an Entrepreneur or a Citizen consists of two steps, and registration of a User who is an Official consists of three steps:
- in the first step, fill out the registration form;
- in the second step, activate your account using the email address provided during registration.
- in the third step, generate and send the Authorization (applies to the Official only)
- A User who is an Entrepreneur or a Citizen provides their personal data in the registration form: name and surname, email address and data related to the account, i.e. a password to access the account to be created. Registration in the Point is done by properly filling out the registration form that can be found on the Point’s website.
- A User who is an Official provides their personal data in the registration form: name and surname, email address, data related to the account, i.e. a password to access the account to be created, name of the institution, official position or department name. A representative of the Institution associated with the User confirms the User’s registration at the Point, according to the generated template on the basis of which the User’s account will be activated.
- In order to maintain the account of a User who is an Entrepreneur or a Citizen, the Administrator collects the data listed below in sections a-b, and if the account of a User being an Official is maintained, in sections a-e:
- name and surname;
- email address;
- name of the institution;
- department or position;
- phone number.
- A User with an account in the Point receives dedicated email notifications to the email address provided at registration.
- A User account with the profile of an Official requires the Administrator of the website to confirm the access rights based on the Authorization.
- The Authorization is automatically generated based on the data provided by the User in the registration form. The Authorization requires the electronic signature of the person representing the institution.
- The electronically signed Authorization should be attached to the account in the Point.
- The User can also register via the Trusted Profile using the Single Sign-On (SSO) technology. Users logging in to the Point for the first time using the Trusted Profile will be registered according to the data provided by this system and after a verification of the email address.
- Online services – handling matters electronically
- Administrative services are provided by appropriate letters being filled out and sent electronically pursuant to the provisions of the Act of 17 February 2005 on the computerization of the activities of entities performing public tasks (Dz.U. of 2021, item 670 as amended).
- The User may sign the letters by means of a qualified electronic signature or the ePUAP Trusted Profile.
- Administrative services are provided by the User filling out an application or another letter in the Point and forwarding it via the Point to the indicated address of the competent authority’s ePUAP email box. The entire process is tracked step by step via the Point User’s account.
- Each time, the Point confirms to the User the submission of an application/letter to the competent authority via the Point by delivering an Official Confirmation of Receipt (UPO). UPO is automatically generated by the competent authority’s ePUAP email box and is proof of the successful submission of the application/letter to the authority. The User is notified of the delivery to the User’s email address provided at registration. If the Point cannot deliver the application/letter, the User is informed about it to the User’s email address provided at registration.
- The Point forwards to the User the relevant official response from the competent authority via the email box of the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology on the ePUAP platform. Competent authorities deliver letters to the User via the Point, to the unique box address assigned to the User, defined within the email box of the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology on the ePUAP platform. The user can read or download the letter at the Point.
- The User receives a letter forwarded via the Point in the mode of delivery referred to in Article 147(3) of the Act of 18 November 2020 on electronic delivery (Dz.U. of 2022, item 569).
- The User signs UPO at the Point with the use of the qualified electronic signature or the Trusted Profile.
- The User receives all notifications related to handling matters electronically to their email address provided at registration.
- Services may also be provided by redirecting the User to external ICT systems through which the competent authorities provide the services electronically. In this case, the services are provided completely outside the Point, and the User is unable to track the status of the service at the Point.
- Entrepreneur Assistance Centre – requests for information
- The Point offers assistance via the Entrepreneur Assistance Centre which provides information on, among other things, matters related to starting, engaging in and closing a business in the territory of the Republic of Poland. A User registered at the Point – an Entrepreneur, Citizen or Official alike – may ask a question in an electronic form; the question is then answered by consultants, experts from the relevant public administration authorities and institutions from the business environment.
- The Entrepreneur Assistance Centre is a business information point for entrepreneurs, citizens and administration.
- The Centre provides services to the users of the Central Registration and Information on Business (CEIDG) and the Point. The Consultants of the Entrepreneur Assistance Centre answer questions with the use of various communication channels, including phone, livechat, virtual clerk or contact form.
- The Entrepreneur Assistance Centre is adapted to provide services to the deaf community.
- The Entrepreneur Assistance Centre provides information in Polish and English.
- When the Entrepreneur Assistance Centre is used, personal information, such as name, surname, company name and email address is provided.
- The assistance provided by the Entrepreneur Assistance Centre does not constitute an individual interpretation of the law for the User and is intended to provide general information about the applicable laws.
- CEIDG and Data Warehouse
- The CEIDG and data warehouse (hereinafter “Data Warehouse”) is a source of data and reports about entrepreneurs registered in CEIDG which can be accessed by any interested User.
- The Data Warehouse operates at
- The Data Warehouse has replaced the former website.
- Only Users whose identity has been verified will have access to the Data Warehouse. Identity is verified based on the National Node.
- In order to gain access to the Data Warehouse, the User must collectively meet the following conditions:
- have an account on and
- fill out an application for Data Warehouse privileges through the online service available at
- The Data Warehouse can share the collected information with external ICT systems through an API interface. The API interface allows other systems to use the resources of the Data Warehouse in an automated manner.
- Technical and organizational details for accessing the Data Warehouse API interface are available on the Academy website
- Electronic delivery box
- The electronic delivery box (hereinafter “eDelivery Box/Box”) has been implemented pursuant to the Act of 18 November 2020 on electronic delivery (Dz.U. of 2020, item 2320 as amended).
- The Box is available after registration at the Point and accessible after logging on to exclusively for Users who are Entrepreneurs.
- In order to gain access to the eDelivery Box, the User should complete an application for the creation of an electronic delivery address and the Box via the online service available at the Point.
- The Box is used for the exchange of correspondence between the User and the entities indicated in Article 155 of the Act on electronic delivery.
- Through the Box, the User will be able to manage correspondence, including sending and receiving it, as well as managing access rights to the Box
- Opinions
- At the Point, it is possible to give opinions on particular information and services by evaluating them and making comments.
- The Voice of the Entrepreneur is available at the Point, which allows Users to submit initiatives and proposals concerning, among other things: business development, the entrepreneur’s rights and obligations, business financing, launching innovative products and services on the market, foreign trade, information for entrepreneurs, the posted content and the operation of the Point. The Voice of the Entrepreneur aims to collect comments and opinions on simplifications and elimination of barriers, as well as obstacles to doing business and forward them to the institutions responsible for each area.
- The submission of ideas, comments and opinions is not equivalent to the submission of proposals to improve the way that the administration operates within the meaning of the provisions of the Code of Administrative Procedure of 14 June 1960.
- Users can post ideas, add comments and opinions about ideas published in the Voice of the Entrepreneur, and vote for the submitted ideas.
- Entering ideas and comments, as well as voting for selected ideas requires logging in to the Point. Each logged-in User can vote for an idea only once.
- The information posted by the User in the Voice of the Entrepreneur is visible to other users and the Administrator.
- The submitted ideas should comply with the following rules:
- the titles of the ideas should reflect the content of the description in a clear and understandable way;
- the description of the idea should not exceed 1,500 characters;
- the submitted idea should include: a description of the problem and a proposal for its solution; demanding ideas that do not contain constructive proposals for a solution will not be posted;
- ideas should address issues related to the conditions of doing business, including business development, the rights and obligations of an entrepreneur, business financing, marketing innovative products and services, foreign trade, information for entrepreneurs, and operation and content at the Point;
- before a User submits an idea, they should make sure that it has not been submitted before;
- the administrators of the Voice of the Entrepreneur are not obliged to join the discussion on the opinions.
- The Administrator of the Voice of the Entrepreneur has the right not to publish ideas and comments without providing a justification. The Administrator also reserves the right to: edit, abridge the content of the ideas and comments, and combine the ideas.
- A User whose idea is posted in the Voice of the Entrepreneur receives an email notification that the idea has been posted or rejected. The User is also informed when the status of the idea changes.
- The Users’ ideas and comments are published under the name of the submitting person.
- The Administrator has the right to block access to Users who violate the rules listed in section 12 of this chapter.
- The Voice of the Entrepreneur may not be used in a manner contrary or irrelevant to its purpose. Ideas and comments may not be submitted that:
- contain words or phrases commonly considered vulgar or abusive, violate generally recognized norms of communication, and discriminate against others on the basis of race, gender, language, religion or lack thereof, social origin, birth, property, or for any other reason;
- contain advertising content;
- refer to conducting political or religious campaigns;
- incite unethical or illegal behaviour;
- breach the Act of 4 February 1994 on copyright and related rights (Dz.U. of 2021, item 1062);
- violate the personal rights of others;
- promote stimulants or violence;
- may pose a potential threat to the security of the Republic of Poland;
- solicit donations;
- contain a link to a particular user’s site for promotional purposes;
- contain spam – repetition of the same content.
- Official
- Back Office
- Pursuant to Article 65 of the Act of 6 March 2018 on the Central Registration and Information on Business and the Entrepreneur Information Point, the competent ministers provide the Point with information on the government administration departments that they head.
- In order to facilitate the performance of the task referred to in section 1, the Back Office has been established.
- The Back Office is designed for public administration to facilitate activities related to updating the content in the Point.
- The Back Office is responsible for processes related to the creation, editing, approval and publication of service descriptions.
- The Back Office has databases of institutions performing the tasks and central institutions, as well as is able to assign services to appropriate institutions.
- Through the Back Office, Officials can independently provide content to the Point by entering and updating service descriptions and data of their institution.
- In the Back Office, Officials have access to opinions about the services and information provided by their institution.
- The Point makes the collected information available to external ICT systems through an API interface. The API interface allows other systems to use the resources of the Point.
- The API interface makes public information available in a structured form i.a. for BIP portals, regional and industry systems, as well as portals of professional self-governing bodies.
- Technical and organizational details of API access are agreed with the Administrator of the Point.
- Academy
- The Academy is a platform that allows employees of public institutions to acquire knowledge at the address in the domain.
- The courses provided at the Academy in the form of multimedia resources support the Users of the Point in the key areas concerning: administrative services, electronic economy and the use of the Point’s modules, including the Back Office.
- The Users can use video tutorials, training courses, webinars and go through training paths which are structured sets of courses, ending with the verification of acquired competencies.
- The Data Controller collects the data of persons who are interested in participating in the training courses or webinars offered by the Academy (name, surname, name of the institution, email address, phone number). The data are used by the Data Controller for purposes related to the organization of training courses or webinars, including confirmation of participation in these educational forms.
- The Official’s App
- The Official’s App provides a tool for the Officials to handle CEIDG entry applications submitted by entrepreneurs and use additional modules to verify and download documents related to the submitted application.
- The application is available at
- The application can be accessed by logging in via the National Electronic Identity Node.
- Personal data protection
- The Controller of the personal data processed by the Point is the Minister of Economic Development and Technology, Plac Trzech Krzyży 3/5, 00-507 Warszawa, email address:, phone: 22 262 92 46.
- The Minister of Economic Development and Technology processes personal data pursuant to Article 51(1) of the Act of 6 March 2018 on the Central Registration and Information on Business and the Entrepreneur Information Point. For detailed information on the processing of personal data, see the Privacy Policy of the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology
- The Data Controller of the Point will make the personal data available (to the extent specified in the User’s profile) to the authorities responsible for the implementation of services launched by the User in the form of a service provided electronically.
- In order to ensure the security of the processed personal data, the Data Controller of the Point makes it possible to further entrust personal data for processing by third parties exclusively on the basis of agreements entered into following prior verification of the subprocessor, including data processing agreements.
- System logs and cookie mechanism
- The Point collects information contained in system logs (date and time of connection, IP address and information about the country from which the IP address originated, information about the version of the User’s web browser and other information, as specified in the privacy policy of the Ministry of Economic Development and Technology). The data are used for technical, statistical and promotional purposes.
- The Point uses the cookie mechanism. Cookies are small text files that the web server saves on the User’s side. Cookies are used to remember User information, create personalized content and handle logins.
- The Point uses the Google Analytics mechanism, based on the JavaScript tracking code and cookies. This mechanism makes it possible to collect anonymized data about the User’s behaviour during a session on the website, such as pages viewed and time spent viewing them, data about the User’s device and operating system, and data about the User’s interaction with the site (such as clicks on links, downloads of documents).